
Antonio Fuccillo

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Marianna Pignata

Marianna Pignata is Associate Professor of History of Medieval and Modern Law at the University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” where she teaches History of Criminal Law and History of Codifications (Department of Law). She is the author of numerous publications of national and international importance, including monographic ones, and her research interests – which mainly focus on modern legal experience – include the history of real rights and family law and gender issues in a historical-legal perspective. She coordinates national and European research projects, she is President of the University Guarantee Act Committee and the Rector’s Delegate for equal opportunities.

Raffaele Santoro

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Livia Saporito

Livia Saporito is Full Professor of Private Comparative Law at the Department of Law of the Luigi Vanvitelli University of Campania, where she also teaches Anglo-American Law and Comparative Business and Sports Contract Law. She is a contract professor at the Link Campus University of Rome, where she is responsible for the teachings “Comparative Public Law” and “Emergency Law” (in English) and has significant teaching experience as a visiting professor at foreign universities and research institutions. Sge is a member of the board of the PhD in “Internationalization of legal systems and fundamental rights” at the “Luigi Vanvitelli” University of Campania; member of a scientific committees of prestigious legal journals; coordinates research groups, including international ones, on current issues of Italian and comparative law. She is the author of monographs, essays and minor writings dedicated to contract law, family law and the relationship between law and religion.

Francesco Sorvillo

Francesco Sorvillo is Associate Professor of Law and Religions at the Luigi Vanvitelli University of Campania. He is the author of numerous essays and scientific articles. He deals with issues related to corporate social responsibility, non-financial reporting, ecological transition and international cooperation.