Raffaele Picaro
President of the scientific committee
Raffaele Picaro is Full Professor of Institutions of Private Law and Family Law -s.s.d. IUS/01 (Private Law)- and Director of the Department of Law of the University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”. He coordinates and participates in numerous national and international research projects, is a member of scientific and editorial committees of prestigious law journals, is affiliated with academies of recognized prestige in private law disciplines and is the author of numerous essays and monographs.

Domenico Airoma
Domenico Airoma has been in the judiciary since 1989. He served, as deputy prosecutor, at the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Naples, where he was assigned to the District Anti-Mafia Directorate, as well as, as Deputy Prosecutor, initially at the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Cosenza and, then, to the Public Prosecutor’s Office of North Naples. Since February 2021 he has been the Public Prosecutor of Avellino. On behalf of the Council of Europe and the European Commission he has carried out numerous missions in the countries of the Western Balkans, Central Asia and Russia. He holds teaching positions at the Higher School of the Judiciary. He is vice president of the “Rosario Livatino” Study Center.

Maria D’Arienzo
Maria d’Arienzo is Full Professor of Ecclesiastical Law, Canon Law and Confessional Rights at the Department of Law of the University of Naples “Federico II”. He is President of the National Association of University Professors of the Legal Discipline of Religious Phenomenon (ADEC). She is director of the A-level scientific journal “Diritto e Religioni” and of the series of the same name. She is a member of the Board of Directors of the Jacques Maritain International Institute and of the European Federation for Freedom of Belief (FoB). She was a member of the inter-ministerial commission for agreements with religious confessions established at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers representing the Ministry of the University.

Ludovica Decimo
Ludovica Decimo is a PhD at the University of Padua and Associate Professor of Ecclesiastical Law and Canon Law at the Department of Law of the University of Sassari. She has been a speaker at numerous national and international conferences. She is the author of numerous publications, among which the following monographic works are worth mentioning: “Modern Temple: the places of God. The legal discipline of places of worship” (Naples, 2021), “Religious organizations in the constitutional prism of art. 20” (Naples, 2017), “The ETS religious bodies. Between special law and market rules” (Naples, 2019).
e-mail: ldecimo@uniss.it
telefono: 0039 3351280533

Antonio Fuccillo

Federico Gravino
PhD at the University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, where he teaches Civil Ecclesiastical Law on contract. He is currently a research fellow at the Department of Legal Sciences of the University of Florence, where he is responsible for teaching Law and Religions. He has dealt with religious marriages and civil effects, protection of human rights in religious rights, religious freedom in the digital world.

Maria Cristina Ivaldi
Full Professor of Law and Religion at the Department of Political Science at the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, where she teaches “Law and Religion in Multicultural Societies”, “Pilgrimages and Religious Tourism”, and “Religious Cultural Heritage”.
Her research fields are religious freedom and the status of religious groups in the Italian, French, and Russian legal systems, with special attention to the living law as underpinned by jurisprudence; law and religion in UE and COE; the Islamic model of treatment of religion (above all in Algeria); blasphemy and religious vilification in arts and advertising; and profiles of religious content in lex sportiva, notably in football rules.
She is author of books and essays on these topics, including the forthcoming volume Secularism and Freedom of Religion in Italy (ICLARS Series on Law and Religion, Routledge, 2025).

Paolo Palumbo
Associate professor of ecclesiastical law and canon law at the Giustino Fortunato University of Benevento, where he also teaches canonical forensic psychology, intercultural law, third sector and non-profit law and coordinates the academic laboratory on the Shoah. Rector’s Delegate for orientation, placement and public engagement activities. Vicar of the International High School for Linguistic Mediators of Benevento, where he teaches intercultural public law. Professor of Canon Law at the Pontifical Theological Faculty of Southern Italy – Section. S. Thomas Aquinas and at the I.S.S.R. “San Giuseppe Moscati” of Benevento. Judge at the Benevento Interdiocesan Ecclesiastical Tribunal and of Appeal. He is coordinator and member of research projects and author of numerous publications, including of an international nature.

Raffaele Santoro

Giulio Sodano
Professor of Modern History at the Department of Literature and Cultural Heritage of the University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, of which he is currently director. He has undertaken multiple lines of research, with particular reference to the history of religious life in Southern Italy in modern age and the role of the aristocracies of the Kingdom of Naples. His most recent interests are related to the history of European dynasties, the symbolic aspects of monarchical power, the ceremonial and education of royal houses. In this regard, we recall the biography Elisabetta Farnese, Rome 2021.

Francesco Sorvillo